Monday, December 29, 2008

Our Christmas Surprise!!

Here is OUR Christmas surprise!! On Dec. 20th, Tori, Spencer, and these grandkids surprised us for the holidays! WOW!! We sure did have fun! Tori sang in our Sunday Service, which she had arranged with our Choir Director, and it was a fabulous surprise to all who remember her. She has a beautiful soprano voice. It is such a treat for us to hear her sing.
Aunt Judy made their pj's for Christmas this year! Aren't they the cutest??!!

We attended a live Nativity, and Dylan is petting the camel and the donkey.

Did you ever make a face you just wish you hadn't? ((You can see the corners of her mouth beginning to turn up!)) This means "I have too many brothers right this minute!!"

We went to the shooting range the day after Christmas. Bryan is shooting Great Grandaddy's .22 pistol.

Traditional toasting marshmallows on Christmas Eve.

Gingerbread houses were tons of fun!

I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas, or Hanukkah, or whatever holiday you might celebrate. Our family was quite blessed. They left yesterday and we are really missing them. Make life's moments special, and they become memories to treasure for a lifetime. (I'm feeling philosophical today!)

1 comment:

The Poore Family! said...

Hi Mommy Brett!!! What a wonderful surprise! I got to meet them all tonight, what a beautiful family!!! Hope you had a wonderful Christmas, I'm sure you did with all those grandkids!!! :)